Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Research Project Info Sources

For my research project I am trying to find out how education, and the lack thereof, affects life expectancy in the U.S. This is an ongoing topic and the statistics are ever changing, so I think I’m going to have to look to more popular sources, such as newspaper sites, news station sites, or some kind of professional magazine that talks about this issue, I’ve already found some good articles from The New York Times and CNN. I’m also going to try to find some relevant scholarly/academic sources, such as an academic journal, to use for my research. The only problem with that is I’m not really sure what I would look up for that, because keywords such as education and life expectancy bring up way to much information. I may be able to find some information in books, and although the statistics probably won’t be up to date the affects that education has in life expectancy will probably be similar.
I'm really not sure what fields deal with this topic. From what I have found during research it seems like economists and the healthcare field discuss this topic often. Economists seem to be the most worried about life expectancy because is affects the labor force which in turn affects the economy.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like an awesome research topic! For the field of study, I would go with Sociology and Psychology. And maybe you can ask some students and professors their opinion on this subject.
